Sunday, December 26, 2010

She Rock! She is Alanis Morisette!

I enjoy her music so much! I know you too. :) Here are some of my favorite songs of Alanis Morisette: 

You Learn 

Head Over Feet


You Oughta Know

Thank You

Enjoy playing her videos! :) ♥

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pizza Roll

Yesterday, during the state of boredom of Christmas in our home. I decided to cook a PIZZA ROLL for the family. The preparation time took an hour and the cooking time took at least 30 minutes (Of course it will depend on the amount of rolls you will cook.) Anyways, I want to share how to make a pizza roll! :) And here's how:

For the ingredients you will need the following: 
Tasty Bread (In this picture, I'm using Gardenia bread for the best quality.)  Use a rolling pin to flatten the bread.

Cheese, ham and hotdogs cut into strips 

Beaten eggs

For the procedure follow this easy steps:

1. After you prepare the ingredients, lay the flattened bread in a clean flat plate.
2. Put pizza sauce into the bread and spread all over. 
3. Put 1 strip of hotdog, ham and cheese.
4. Roll it and after onto the beaten eggs and bread crumbs.
5. Fry the pizza roll until golden brown. :)

This is the finish product: 


PS. This is my first blog entry. Woooooot! ^^